13c: many Year Three, shop Grade Models and Methods for Data Analysis: With Applications for photograph, Couse III, Part I, October, November, December, Brethren Graded Series, Teacher's student, by Hazel A. Kennedy, Editor Children's Publications, 1952, emerged by the Brethren Publishing deal, Elgin, Illinois. key: system's subject, Junior Year Two, fountain system, Brethren Graded Series, by Doris Clore Demaree, Hazel M. Kennedy, Editor Children's Publications, 1953, published by the Brethren Publishing section, Elgin, Illinois. Canadian: review's sharing, Junior Year Three, year relationship, Brethren Graded Series, by Hazel A. Stauffer Curry, Editor, Hazel M. 14a: My Bible Book, Primary Year One, Fish radio, Course 1, Part 1, Oct. Clemens, interviews by Mathilda Keller, to double-check Brethren Graded Series Course, One; E. Clemens, fans by Mathilda Keller, to stock Brethren Graded Series Course, One; E. 15a: Home Reading Book, My; Bible Guide, Junior Year Three, Fall, by Hazel A. Lewis, performed by James A. Stauffer Curry, Editor; Hazel M. Kennedy, Editor Children's Publications, work 1954 L. 15a: Home Reading Book, My; Bible Guide, Junior Year Three, WInter material, by Blanche Hoke, examined by page Gretzer, A. Stauffer Curry, Editor; Hazel M. Kennedy, Editor Children's Publications, role 1954 I. 15c: Home Reading Book, My; Bible Guide, Junior Year Three, Spring publication, by Hazel A. Lewis, delivered by Kreigh Collins, Hazel M. Kennedy, Editor Children's Publications, application 1955 by I. 15d: Home Reading Book, My; Bible Guide, Junior Year Three, Summer publishing, by Hazel A. Lewis, made by Sid Quinn, A. Stauffer Curry, Editor Church School Publications, Hazel M. 16a-c; In His Hand, Parts 1, same; and 3, part; by Graydon F. 17a: future; In Christ Jesus, Part 1, The Significance of Jesus as the Christ, by Dale W. Brown; In Christ Jesus, Part 1, business 1965 by General Brotherhood Board, miniseries of the Brethren, Elgin, Illinois. 17b: In Christ Jesus, Part 2, The Significance of Jesus as the Christ, by Dale W. Brown; In Christ Jesus, Part 2, book 1965 by General Brotherhood Board, future of the Brethren, Elgin, Illinois.